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Cyanotype on book paper

How is it 2024 already??? I swear life goes by much quicker now, and conversely, I seem to achieve less and less!

Anyway, I make a lot of prints. Mainly lots of demo prints whilst I’m teaching. Proper slap dash to quickly show how uv works with cyanotype and different surfaces.

Unfurl, by Jo Howell cyanotype Artist

I bought this book many years ago and it has been an absolute delight to print on! The book was published in 1818 and it describes the use of microscopes in the study of plants. The paper is very cotton rich. The text wonderfully over-the-top. The way that people wrote back then was so much more poetic. Rhythmical.

Back in 1818 when the book was published all of the pages in the book were hand-set type. A laborious job that is done by machine now. The paper itself is slightly off-white with age, but during the wash some of the yellowish tones do wash out.

Unfurl, by Jo Howell cyanotype Artist (detail)

I’m starting to run out of pages in the book now, and I’ll have to search through eBay to find something as lovely as this. I think I paid around £20 for the book but it had around 400 pages, 200 leaf’s. In terms of paper that can be used for artworks, I think that was very fair.

Unfurl, by Jo Howell cyanotype Artist

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